New season - New Sunday School!!
Hi everyone! 皆さんこんにちは!Hope you are fully enjoying the amazing autumn this year. 素晴らしい秋の日々を楽しんでいらっしゃることと思います。
After the bustling Halloween party with pleasant ghosts was over, Shimane has still been buzzing .愉快なゴースト達と過ごした賑やかなハロウィンパーティーが過ぎても、島根はまだざわついています。
This is, as you know, because we are welcoming all the Gods from all over Japan from last month, which is called "Kamiaritsuki". How mysterious it is to have Gods (after ghosts, lol), and this is one of the wonderful cultures that Shimane is renowned for.それもそのはず、島根は先月から皆さんご存じ「神在月」!全国各地の八百万(やおよろず)の神々をお迎えしていますね!(ゴーストの後に神様なんて笑) なんて神秘的でしょう、そしてこれは島根の誇るべき文化の一つですね!
Now, our Sunday school has launched a new topic that focuses on a specific Japanese animation.
Students have to fully make use of their imagination to create their own character that has completely different features from normal.
Lastly, naming their own characters, setting the attack / defense power and so on, they gave life to each character!
Through the work, children did feel the joy of creation. 作業を通して、創作の喜びを味わってくれました。
written by Ryoko