Loong-awaited “Point Shopping Day” !!
Semiannual “Point Shopping Day”!! This day has finally come. It's a reward for all the students for six months of hard work.
Having converted the number of points accumulated into dollars, everyone did enjoy it as if it were an actual shopping!!Everyone's faces were shining when they chose and got the items to their liking:)I wondered if they were filled with the feelings of the past six months.
自分へのご褒美またご家族へのプレゼントとして選んでいる光景は、とても感動的でした。It was very touching to see them choosing the gifts as a reward for themselves or even as a present for their families.
これからまた半年間、みんなと楽しくがんばろうね!Let's have fun with everyone in the class again over the coming half-year!!
by Ryoko